Panthera Leo

The lion is one of the ten African species belonging to the cat family. This is the largest carnivore of the continent. The male weighs 180 to 230 kg, against 150 kg for the female. He acquired a mane in its third year whose color varies among individuals from blond to black, more or less provided by the animal lives in the plains or in the bush.
Like other cats, the lion has many thick mustaches called whiskers. These long hairs sensitive to vibrations help the lion to move in the dark, or when the visual field is obstructed.
He particularly loves grassland and tree, and also the thick bush.
Lionesses are usually faster than males and can reach maximum speeds near 60 km / h. Very muscular and long, they can do jumps more than 3 meters in height and 10 meters in length.
It can reproduce all year, but the peak of the birth is the rainy season. Generally, 1to 4 cubs are born after a gestation period of 3 and a half months. The young lions are spotted, but the brown spots disappear around the age of 3 months.
Young males are about two to three years in the group, until they reached sexual maturity. They are then driven by the dominant lion. On the other hand, the females generally spend their entire life in the birth group and breed inside. This prevents inbreeding.