Pan Paniscus

The bonobo is an ape. He is among the great hairy primates, with large chest without tail, hands and feet provided with an opposable thumb allow them to grasp objects.
He is sometimes called pygmy chimpanzee, which is a mistake because it is a real separate species. He is as big as the chimpanzee, but thinner ; his chest is narrower and his legs longer. His fur is long and has a similar color but his face is completely black. Black hair top of his head grow laterally in fringe.
He lives in the rain forests of plains and swamp forests. He is endemic to the Democratic Republic of Congo, and lives deep in the forest of the Congo Basin, a swamp forest area between the Congo River to the north and Kasai and Sankuru rivers to the south.
The diet of the bonobo consists mainly of fruits ; but when the fruits are missing, he does not hesitate to feed on stems, shoots and grasses. He can also eat some invertebrates such as earthworms. Communities can have between 50 and 100 individuals.
Chimpanzees and bonobos have two very different ways to calm their tensions. While chimps can show a lot of aggression, bonobos swear by their sexuality and soothe tensions through sexual rites.
The young bonobo is born after a gestation period of 8 months.
Actually, bonobos are our closest cousins since we own more than 98% of common DNA.